  • (+91) 943 407 1193
  • nihar.mohanty@stpi.in

Week-16 Assignments

Applications & Implications

Assignment ::  

Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered, answering the questions below.See the Final Project Requirements page for a complete list of requirements you need to fulfil.


My project "Smart Home Automation Device using IoT" results show the live temperature and humidity of the surroundings and using ESP8266 Wi-Fi with DHT11 through the Blynk App. The sensors are used for measuring the temperatures from the surroundings, storing displayed information with different devices. Here, the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module has been used for data storing purpose.The system transmits sensor data to the database and can receive commands from the server, allowing automatic control. -MCU ESP32 with Internet connectivity that allows remote device control. A relay board is exploited to connect the Smart Home Automation System with home under controlled appliances. The proposed automation system can easily and efficiently control the electrical appliances via Wi-Fi and mobile application.


I have to answer these questions in this document.
i) - what will it do?
ii) - who has done what beforehand?
iii) - what materials and components will be required?
iv) - where will they come from?
v) - how much will it cost?
vi) - what parts and systems will be made?
vii) - what processes will be used?
viii) - what tasks need to be completed?
ix) - what other questions need to be answered?
x) - what is the schedule?
xi) - how will it be evaluated?

Who has done what beforehand:
I have used various sites in google, youtube to gain the best possible knowlege & ideas to develop my project..
What materials and components are to be required & where they have come from & cost:
I have purchased few components and few availed from my Lab. The details of the components used are:

Arduino UNO = INR 500.00

NodeMCU ESP8266 = INR 300.00
MOC3021 = INR 75.00
DHT11 = INR 130.00
BT136 ic= INR 80.00
6 Pin IC socket = INR 60.00

Breadboard Power Supply = INR 150.00
Relay Power = INR 280.00
1000uf 25v capacitor = INR 160.00
Power Supply = INR 320.00
Relay = INR 200.00

What parts and systems to be made:  
I have to make the 3D design of the case in which all the components like Arduino UNO, Relay, capacitord will be mounted into it, so that it will be a compact product and looks good.
Project Layout:  
What processes will be used: What parts & systems will be made
2D design for enclosure
3D design tor enclosure and printing.,
Electronics design and production for Temprature & Humidity sensor board and control board
Interface and application programming with the help of the App.
PCB milling
3d Prinitng for Electronics Enclosure
What tasks need to be completed How it will be evaluated
Main focus is getting electronics up and running to attached devices
Testing of all compnents after integration
Testing out the integration of device with the App & the fabricated PCB
Well if it can do what I’m planning to do. If the system works as planned earlier (or at least in a simplified form).
How will it be evaluated  
  • Use smartphone to confirm every feature Write footprint when completing each tasks.